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  • Writer's pictureSteve Jones

5 Top Tips For Great “Getting Ready” Photos, From a Wedding Photographer

Isle of Wight Wedding photographer SJ Jones has put together 5 top tips that will help you get the best possible natural photos while you get ready in a relaxed and stress free environment. Natural Light is Key

Whether at home, a hotel or other venue try to choose a location with ample natural light, like a room with large windows. It creates soft, flattering light for photos and helps capture the authentic atmosphere of the moment. You also want the space to be as open as possible to allow your makeup artist or hair stylist to be able to work whilst you can still interact with your loved ones around you. Space will also make sure your photographer can capture a range of different angles.

haseley manor Isle of Wight wedding photography

Grooms getting ready Isle of Wight wedding photography


Try to declutter the before the photographer arrives. A clean, uncluttered environment allows the focus to remain on you, your loved ones and your emotions, rather than distracting background elements. No one wants to see that bright orange Sainsbury’s bag or half eaten croissant in the background.

Isle of Wight wedding photographer bridal prep

Albert cottage wedding Isle of Wight

The Little Details

Collect together all the meaningful items you want to include in your getting ready photos in advance. You could keep these in a special box. Items can include jewellery, handwritten notes, sentimental gifts, perfume, shoes etc

These personal touches add depth and storytelling to the images, making them even more memorable.

Albert cottage wedding Isle of Wight

Kingston manor wedding Isle of Wight

Enjoy The Moments

Remember that some of the best photos happen spontaneously. Let loose, laugh, & enjoy the moment, knowing that your photographer will be there to capture all the candid moments that unfold naturally.

Embrace your emotions during the getting ready process, whether it’s nervous excitement, happy tears, or quiet moments of reflection. Authentic emotions make for meaningful photos that tell the true story of the day.

East Afton Farmhouse wedding Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight wedding photographer

The Whole Picture

A few extra tips to bring everything together.

Matching outfits or something a little smarter than your favourite worn joggers can look great.

Hang dresses rather than leaving them in the bags. Creases will naturally drop & they’ll look great in the background. Just be careful of hazards around them!

Use “nice” hangers. Go for white, wooden, or personalised, they will elevate the look.

Save key moments for when your photographer is present. Putting on jewellery, exchanging gifts or reading cards are all part of your story

East Afton Farmhouse Wedding Photos Isle of Wight

Arreton Manor Wedding Isle of Wight

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